Saturday, May 12, 2018



Early development consideration of KM systems by senior management need to take into account the overall costs of implementing and maintaining these systems.

These can be divided into costs related to implementing a KM system including overheads, and salary costs of employees with designated KM functions.

The implementation costs of KM systems include the following, (Maier 2001) à
  1. Hardware – internet broadband connections and mobile technology such as mobile phones, laptops and Bluetooth wireless technology
  2. Software – use off-the-shelf solutions with significant customisation
  3. Training and education – continual communication about benefits of new system as well as structured training programme for all levels on use of KM system
  4. Literature, conferences, consulting and proactive participation in KM activities – KM budget to spend on literature, funding KM research programmes, attending conferences and employing consultants.
  5. Organization of KM events – announcing and communicating KM initiative and facilitating ‘communities of practice’
  6. KM overload – to coordinate KM initative
  7. KM systems administration – to protect system from hackers
  8.  KM staff – salaries

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